

A baby turkey is called a poult.
A male turkey is called a tom.
A female turkey is called a hen.

Turkey poults


Barns provide a safe, comfortable home for turkeys and are specially designed for maximize the health and comfort of the birds. Barns keep predators away, help farmers control germs and diseases from getting to the birds,

and allow maximum comfort – turkeys stay cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and dry during inclement weather.



Turkeys are fed a healthy diet of whole and pelleted grains as well as vitamins. Feed for turkeys comes from Minnesota's soybean and corn farmers.

Turkeys always have access to fresh, clean water.

Adolescent turkeys eating


Q. How many turkeys are raised in North Dakota?

 A. North Dakota raises about 1 million birds per year.

Q. How many turkey growers are there in North Dakota.

 A. There are 9 turkey producers in North Dakota.

Q. Where are turkeys from North Dakota processed?

 A. Because there is not a processing plant in North Dakota, birds are sent to Minnesota and South Dakota for processing.

Q. What is the North Dakota Turkey Federation?

 A. The North Dakota Turkey Federation (NDTF) is an organization of  turkey producers in North Dakota. The main objective of the NDTF is the promotion of turkey and turkey products. The NDTF also assists producers in finding solutions to problems that may arise. The NDTF is funded by turkey producers through a check off. When a turkey is processed a small amount of money is withheld from the sale price and sent to the North Dakota State Agriculture Department to be put in the NDTF fund.

Q. How does the NDTF promote turkey?

 A. The NDTF promotes turkey by having educational material, recipes, and nutritional information brochures available upon request from the public. The NDTF also does advertising through the print media, radio, and the Internet.